Our users create and use custom lottery generators for all the lotteries of the world. They fine tune these lottery generators with lucky numbers, zodiac, and lucky charms. They also set the odd and even numbers in a selection. Please feel free to use these custom generators and try your luck. You can even create your own custom generator and share it with the world.
Custom Lucky Number Generators by Users
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Hgfjv by Jbgjhbghjvg - V hf
999 numbers from 999 to 50. Generate
Monday special by Abu - Ghana
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Always includes lucky numbers 43-35. Avoids the numbers 65-10-54-3-24. Uses lucky charm Black. Generate
15-04-2019Nagaland state by Tarun Roy - India
numbers from to . Generate
15-04-2019Nagaland state by Tarun Roy - India
numbers from to . Generate
lotto instant win by Marley - Ghana
6 numbers from 6 to 48. Uses lucky charm blue. Generate
Jeremiah by Nishimwe
2 numbers from 2 to 50. Avoids the numbers 312. Generate
UK 49s teatime by Edward - South Africa
numbers from to . Generate
HOW LOW by Thomas Aintini - Greece
numbers from to . Generate
KALIMA by Thomas Aintini - Greece
numbers from to . Generate
Mega Bucks by Audrey Newton - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 59. Always includes lucky numbers 8 18 30 39. Generate
lucky bee for aries by hantie - south africa
6 numbers from 6 to 54. Always includes lucky numbers 11 . Avoids the numbers 41. Uses lucky charm four leave clover. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
6/42 for scorpio by Pio bunso - Phillippines
6 numbers from 6 to 42. Always includes lucky numbers Nothing. Avoids the numbers Nothing. Uses lucky charm Pearl. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Kerla lottery by Srinivasan - Chennai
6 numbers from 6 to 100. Avoids the numbers 064. Generate
TOTO 4D for cancer by - MALAYSIA
4 numbers from 4 to 50. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Lol for aries by Lol - Malay
6 numbers from 6 to 9. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
Euro by nicholus - Kenya
7 numbers from 7 to 50. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
KERALA for scorpio by UTHAYAKUMAR R - India
3 numbers from 3 to 999. Uses lucky charm BLUE. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Emmys Smart Picks for aquarius by Nedra - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
Lucky 12 by Ghazanfar - India
12 numbers from 12 to 24. Generate
Keno for cancer by Chinar - India
8 numbers from 8 to 80. Always includes lucky numbers 1,11,22,32,34,44,46. Avoids the numbers None. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Mega millions by Harry - USA
70 numbers from 70 to 70. Generate
V by Val - India
1 numbers from 1 to 600. Always includes lucky numbers 5. Avoids the numbers 7. Uses lucky charm Violet. Generate
Cashpot by Rhk - Jamaica
9 numbers from 9 to 36. Generate
Lotto for gemini by Ric - Kenya
7 numbers from 7 to 49. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Nagaland by Ranjit pal - Kolkata
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 0987. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
Nagaland by Ranjit pal - Kolkata
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 0987. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
Baba ijebu for libra by Gabriel - Nigeria
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Fine tuned for libra. Generate
6/55 for aquarius by Badge - Philippines
6 numbers from 6 to 55. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
USA Lottery by Daniel - USA
numbers from to . Generate
Oz Lotto by Johno - Australia
numbers from to . Generate
Ktrader by Steve - Canada
7 numbers from 7 to 69. Always includes lucky numbers 28 54 5 12. Avoids the numbers 66. Uses lucky charm blue. Generate
Lotto DK by Bruno - Denmark
6 numbers from 6 to 36. Generate
Lotto DK Bruno by Bruno - Denmark
7 numbers from 7 to 36. Generate
Karunyaplas by Kalai - Kerala
3 numbers from 3 to 50. Generate
49snumgen for sagittarius by Terence - South Africa
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm White. Fine tuned for sagittarius. Generate
Sph by Sphiwe - South Africa
5 numbers from 5 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 7,21,14,28,6. Uses lucky charm pink. Generate
Ghana lottery for aries by William - Ghana
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
Faye Eldred for gemini by Faye Eldred - USA
3 numbers from 3 to 999. Uses lucky charm Brooch. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Nagalandstet by Mithun - Kalkata
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm Rad. Generate
Kerala by Palani - India
6 numbers from 6 to 2. Generate
Kerala by Palani - India
6 numbers from 6 to 2. Generate
luckey for life by Michael R Deese - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 48. Always includes lucky numbers 6 . Generate
Lucky for leo by Chintu - India
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 03. Uses lucky charm Meo. Fine tuned for leo. Generate
Lucky for leo by Chintu - India
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 03. Uses lucky charm Meo. Fine tuned for leo. Generate
Jamaica Lottrey for capricorn by Andre - Jamaica
6 numbers from 6 to 38. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
numbers from to . Generate
netspend for taurus by Raul Cantano - USA
3 numbers from 3 to 250. Always includes lucky numbers 861. Avoids the numbers 5113617663190027. Uses lucky charm blue. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
KEVIN for gemini by KEVIN - India
5 numbers from 5 to 99. Always includes lucky numbers 1,3,5,7,9. Avoids the numbers 10. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Luckyme by Lucky - Australia
numbers from to . Generate
toto by James Lee - Malaysia
6 numbers from 6 to 55. Always includes lucky numbers 3,12,18,24,31. Generate
numbers from to . Generate
6 numbers from 6 to 40. Always includes lucky numbers 5 16 25 30. Avoids the numbers 40. Uses lucky charm White. Generate
Shiv sakthi by Abdul - Trichy
999 numbers from 999 to 199. Avoids the numbers 710247. Uses lucky charm Yes. Generate
mumbai by Amin - khan
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 7. Generate
7 by Amin - khan
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 7. Generate
Galadlas by Jenda - Philippines
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 17 6 37 10 3 8 1. Avoids the numbers 6. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
Hit or Miss for gemini by Quick pick - Toronto
12 numbers from 12 to 24. Avoids the numbers 24,1,3,8. Uses lucky charm White. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
MILLIONDAY for aquarius by Francis - Italy
5 numbers from 5 to 55. Always includes lucky numbers 27,28,29,37,38,39. Uses lucky charm Yellow . Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
Premier king by Oladimeji - Nigeria
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Uses lucky charm Great and pink. Generate
Winloot by Haroon - Canada
numbers from to . Generate
Luck india by Sanjay Kumar - Basti
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 7. Uses lucky charm 7. Generate
Caerwyns Lottery by Caerwyn - Philipines
5 numbers from 5 to 590. Generate
Sayisal by Burak - Turkiye
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Avoids the numbers 1. Uses lucky charm Red. Generate
Gemini big four for gemini by Oscar - Pa
4 numbers from 4 to 9. Uses lucky charm Blue . Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
5/90 for cancer by Salam Dahamani - Ghana
5 numbers from 5 to 48. Always includes lucky numbers 17,35,33. Avoids the numbers 9,15,8. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
5/90 for cancer by Salam Dahamani - Ghana
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Always includes lucky numbers 17,35,78. Avoids the numbers 8,15,6. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Chris lotto by Chris - Finland
numbers from to . Generate
Thunderball by Lily Mahlooji - UK
5 numbers from 5 to 39. Generate
Thunderball by Lily Mahlooji - UK
5 numbers from 5 to 39. Generate
Supreme Ventures by Andre - Jamaica
1 numbers from 1 to 38. Generate
cx by fxd - tdd
6 numbers from 6 to 36. Generate
numbers from to . Generate
Test by Test - New zeland
numbers from to . Generate
Zambian lotto for capricorn by Edna Chirwa - Zambia
6 numbers from 6 to 42. Always includes lucky numbers 30. Uses lucky charm Wilson Ramsey Chomba . Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
Grand 6/55 for capricorn by Raul estrada - Phillipi es
55 numbers from 55 to 55. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
Super lottery by Tamar - Jamaica
5 numbers from 5 to 35. Uses lucky charm Blue. Generate
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Troys lucky lady for taurus by Monika L Minson - USA
8 numbers from 8 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers Monika120765. Uses lucky charm Troy. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
Nandi by Nandi phiri - Zambia
5 numbers from 5 to 40. Always includes lucky numbers 5,4,12. Avoids the numbers 40,38. Uses lucky charm Blue . Generate
KALYAN for aries by BABU - India
4 numbers from 4 to 100. Always includes lucky numbers 23.78.73. Avoids the numbers 55.74. Uses lucky charm RED. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
new jersey pick6 by jessica brown - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 4,5,31,33,42,45. Uses lucky charm yellow. Generate
new jersey pick6 by jessica brown - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 4,5,31,33,42,45. Uses lucky charm yellow. Generate
new jersey pick6 for gemini by jessica pottinger - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 4,5,31,33,42,45. Avoids the numbers none. Uses lucky charm yellow. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Lennox lottery ball by Lennox - South Africa
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 5,43,10,32,44. Avoids the numbers 9. Uses lucky charm blue. Generate
Keno for cancer by Himanshu bhoyar - India
10 numbers from 10 to 80. Always includes lucky numbers 39. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Tensy by Lulesged - Ethoipa
7 numbers from 7 to 99. Avoids the numbers 24. Uses lucky charm White. Generate
Sassy for aries by jen Schlotzhauer - USA
10 numbers from 10 to 80. Uses lucky charm Pink. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
All or nothing for gemini by DeAngelo Newbon - USA
11 numbers from 11 to 22. Always includes lucky numbers DeAngelo. Uses lucky charm Black. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Lotto Max for pisces by JEAN SHILLINGFORD - CA
7 numbers from 7 to 49. Fine tuned for pisces. Generate
All or Nothing for pisces by Shannon Cleven - USA
22 numbers from 22 to 22. Fine tuned for pisces. Generate
Jene Wyatt by Jene Wyatt - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers Jene. Generate
Powerball for gemini by Deangelo n - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 68. Uses lucky charm Black. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Shreesakthi for scorpio by Kaja - Kerala
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 5. Uses lucky charm 5. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Lotto Super 6 for sagittarius by Chandradai Myandat - Guyana
7 numbers from 7 to 28. Always includes lucky numbers 1 - 28. Avoids the numbers 29 - 100. Uses lucky charm Black. Fine tuned for sagittarius. Generate
1000 numbers from 1000 to 1000. Always includes lucky numbers 3,4,6,13,9,21,7. Avoids the numbers 4. Uses lucky charm WORLD LOCKS. Generate
CA HOTSPOT by Tyreese Sneed
20 numbers from 20 to 80. Generate
powerball for aquarius by Samuel - South Africa
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm blue. Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
PCH by Janet - USA
9 numbers from 9 to 54. Always includes lucky numbers 7. Uses lucky charm My cat. Generate
Aroha Sweepstakes by Aroha - Australia
6 numbers from 6 to 45. Always includes lucky numbers 24. Uses lucky charm Black. Generate
Lotto by Andre - Jamaica
5 numbers from 5 to 38. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
Herbert L Graves by Herbert L Graves - USA
1 numbers from 1 to 25. Generate
lotto max by Anuj Mahajan
7 numbers from 7 to 49. Generate
Pick 10 by VijaiyaomShalomm - USA
10 numbers from 10 to 80. Generate
Baba Ijebu by Iliroma - Nigeria
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Generate
toto super by anpalakan - malaysia
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 3 7 14 21 22 26 28 50. Uses lucky charm 3. Generate
6/49lottery by Wisdom - Europe
5 numbers from 5 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 36 37. Avoids the numbers 20 30 40 . Generate
Year by Jay - UK
100 numbers from 100 to 2000. Generate
Hhh by John - England
39 numbers from 39 to 39. Generate
Letter by Jay - UK
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers T ,Y. Generate
Thunderball by Jay - UK
5 numbers from 5 to 169. Uses lucky charm Purple. Generate
lotaria by hedi - hog
numbers from to . Generate
babakogi by wada - Nigeria
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Always includes lucky numbers 33 32 52 3 28. Avoids the numbers 87. Uses lucky charm yello. Generate
Super 3 by Morffat - Uganda
3 numbers from 3 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 9, 2, 1. Uses lucky charm Yellow. Generate
UK 49 for aries by Ntshileleni - South Africa
10 numbers from 10 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 8,4,48,9,49,18,19,38,13,31. Avoids the numbers None. Uses lucky charm Red. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
Anthony Ontiveros by Anthony Ontiveros - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers Anthony. Uses lucky charm dog. Generate
Uk49 lunchtime and teatim by Mulalo - South Africa
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
Extra5 by Fgg - Greece
5 numbers from 5 to 35. Generate
Rajshree by Budhan - India
5 numbers from 5 to 99. Always includes lucky numbers 98,78,88,83. Uses lucky charm Green, Read . Generate
Lotto Lebanon by Kamrul Islam - Beirut
6 numbers from 6 to 42. Uses lucky charm Whate. Generate
Lotto Lebanon for gemini by Kamrul Islam - Lebanon
6 numbers from 6 to 42. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Lotto Lebanon by Kamrul Islam - Lebanon
6 numbers from 6 to 42. Generate
LOTO MAURCE for cancer by FARIYAAL - Mauritius
6 numbers from 6 to 40. Always includes lucky numbers 16 25. Avoids the numbers 40. Uses lucky charm Pink. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
winners by amrith - India
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 2. Avoids the numbers 4. Uses lucky charm om. Generate
winwish for aries by niwash - nepal
5 numbers from 5 to 99. Always includes lucky numbers 3,5,9. Avoids the numbers 2,4,6. Uses lucky charm mom. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
Test by Name - Country
6 numbers from 6 to 48. Generate
MIO for taurus by idafe - Espaa
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Uses lucky charm VIOLET. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
Ayangleima by Ayangleima - India
1 numbers from 1 to 300. Generate
Hamzaloto for cancer by Hamza - Morocco
8 numbers from 8 to 21. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Richard by Richard - Philippines
2 numbers from 2 to 40. Uses lucky charm White. Generate
nagaland by mohan - punjab
2 numbers from 2 to 50. Generate
nagaland by mohan - punjab
4 numbers from 4 to 50. Generate
do nabrry game by mohan - punjab
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
nagaland morning by prabhas kumar - India
5 numbers from 5 to 99. Always includes lucky numbers 07. Avoids the numbers 26. Generate
My luck for taurus by Raymond Brown - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 46. Always includes lucky numbers 5-7,11,14,18,22,24,26. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
nagaland lottery by ALOKE
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Sat-Missouri -Pick-6 by Ronald - USA
numbers from to . Generate
Winner4life for libra by Darryl - USA
570 numbers from 570 to 70. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for libra. Generate
Winner Station by Darryl - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 35. Uses lucky charm Faith. Generate
luck by archie - uk
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 1. Uses lucky charm blue. Generate
Bhootnath for sagittarius by Chandan Majhi - India
8 numbers from 8 to 10. Always includes lucky numbers 6,8,3. Avoids the numbers 5,2. Uses lucky charm Red. Fine tuned for sagittarius. Generate
Kennoo by am - in
3 numbers from 3 to 6. Always includes lucky numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. Generate
Superlotto by Suresh verma - India
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
india by Sunilmauray
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Bigval by Valentina - Nigeria
numbers from to . Generate
Magnum life for taurus by Lee thomson - Malaysia
8 numbers from 8 to 36. Uses lucky charm Black and yellow. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
Joses 593 for pisces by Jose Florian - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 593. Uses lucky charm Baby blue. Fine tuned for pisces. Generate
Super lotto by Seema - India
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 9. Uses lucky charm Pink. Generate
Super lotto for pisces by Seema - India
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Avoids the numbers 999. Uses lucky charm Pink. Fine tuned for pisces. Generate
double draw for cancer by Harry Nicholls - barbados
6 numbers from 6 to 30. Uses lucky charm blue. Fine tuned for cancer. Generate
Luckyone by Tusshar - India
2 numbers from 2 to 9. Generate
luckylottery numbers by nelson calubay dejose - mandaluyong city
3 numbers from 3 to 49. Avoids the numbers 9.27.6. Uses lucky charm white/red/gold. Generate
luckylottery numbers for scorpio by nelson calubay dejose - mandaluyong city
3 numbers from 3 to 49. Avoids the numbers 9.27.6. Uses lucky charm white/red/gold. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
luckylottery numbers for scorpio by nelson calubay dejose - mandaluyong city phillipi
3 numbers from 3 to 49. Avoids the numbers 9.27.6. Uses lucky charm white/red/gold. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Play Monday Wednesday Lo by Zehul rahman - India
6 numbers from 6 to 45. Generate
keno for virgo by ulrich - germany
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm blue. Fine tuned for virgo. Generate
Euro by Momo - Belgium
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm Blue. Generate
lucky golden chance for virgo by Funmilayo - Nigreia
6 numbers from 6 to 90. Uses lucky charm Bule. Fine tuned for virgo. Generate
Luis Rosario for sagittarius by Luis Rosario - Puerto Rico
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers Luis. Fine tuned for sagittarius. Generate
rajshri by md naim - India
62 numbers from 62 to 27. Generate
GA Fantasy 5 for scorpio by Gipo - GA USA
5 numbers from 5 to 47. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Jumbo GA for scorpio by Gipo - GA USA
6 numbers from 6 to 47. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Better chances for taurus by Malick - Senegal
4 numbers from 4 to 48. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
NLA by selali - Ghana
numbers from to . Generate
dhanlaxmi for aquarius by surjeet kaur - ulhasnagar
3 numbers from 3 to 60. Always includes lucky numbers 81. Avoids the numbers 123. Uses lucky charm pink. Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
Nagalend for scorpio by Parthasarathiojha - WestBengal
65464 numbers from 65464 to 50. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Sportstoto by Thena - Malaysia
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 9. Uses lucky charm Blue. Generate
Kironlie69 by Kiron - Lie
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 30;1;6;28. Avoids the numbers 55040602. Uses lucky charm Black,wait. Generate
Euromilion for leo by Tigran - Belgium
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Fine tuned for leo. Generate
UK 49s for virgo by Esi - South Africa
4 numbers from 4 to 49. Uses lucky charm Red. Fine tuned for virgo. Generate
AM4d for aries by Matt - Ghana
4 numbers from 4 to 9. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
Swisscom by Daniel - Kenya
3 numbers from 3 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 0,8,3,5. Avoids the numbers 7. Uses lucky charm Blue. Generate
Eurojackpot for taurus by LEHH - Estonia
10 numbers from 10 to 64. Always includes lucky numbers Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
powrball by Mncedisi - rsa
3 numbers from 3 to 36. Generate
Mega sena for gemini by Joao - Brasil
6 numbers from 6 to 60. Always includes lucky numbers 42. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
SWG Lotto by Andy - USA
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Siitia Chapman for scorpio by Siitia Chapman - New Zealand
6 numbers from 6 to 40. Always includes lucky numbers Siitia. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Mega millions by Omlakshmi10008 - USA
6 numbers from 6 to 69. Generate
Win649 by Win649
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
saturday by sanjay mistry - India
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 1,2,3,4,48,49,27,13,39. Generate
Marva Bestway by Marva Edwards - USA
4 numbers from 4 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 7. Avoids the numbers None. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
La libanaise Des by Kamrul Islam - Lebanon
6 numbers from 6 to 42. Generate
Kerala lottery by Jess - India
5 numbers from 5 to 99. Always includes lucky numbers 999. Generate
Singapore toto for capricorn by Arulamalaprabu - Singapore
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 15. Avoids the numbers 5. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
Olamsjane for taurus by Olamide - Nigeria
20 numbers from 20 to 18. Always includes lucky numbers 3 ,5. 6, 7. Avoids the numbers 2,8,9. Uses lucky charm God help. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
Singapore toto for capricorn by Arulamalaprabu - Singapore
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 15. Avoids the numbers 5. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
Lottobelge by Mo - Belgium
6 numbers from 6 to 45. Uses lucky charm Blue. Generate
Russia 7/49 by Lebo - Sa
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 11.15.34. Avoids the numbers 22. Uses lucky charm Red. Generate
Sikkim fast lotto by Ramya
5 numbers from 5 to 31. Uses lucky charm sweet. Generate
sikkim jaldi 5 lottery by Ramya
5 numbers from 5 to 36. Uses lucky charm violet. Generate
Singapore toto for capricorn by Arulamalaprabu - Singapore
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 15. Avoids the numbers 5. Uses lucky charm Blue. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
SUPA 5 by Elizabeth - KENYA
5 numbers from 5 to 9. Avoids the numbers NONE. Uses lucky charm BLUE. Generate
Saturday lotto by Zeaul rahman - India
6 numbers from 6 to 45. Generate
Keno for virgo by Pardeep rohilla - India
9 numbers from 9 to 80. Always includes lucky numbers 11. Avoids the numbers Bivo. Uses lucky charm Moni. Fine tuned for virgo. Generate
benin lottory by Edmond Ofori - Benin
5 numbers from 5 to 90. Always includes lucky numbers 3. Uses lucky charm red. Generate
Keno by Fabian - Barbados
10 numbers from 10 to 80. Generate
Nicky by Nicola Bacchus - Guyana
6 numbers from 6 to 28. Always includes lucky numbers 3,6,12,15,23,25. Uses lucky charm Pink. Generate
L by S
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Chand Ali for pisces by Chand Ali - India
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers Chand. Avoids the numbers 20. Uses lucky charm Black . Fine tuned for pisces. Generate
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers RAMABAI.. Generate
5 numbers from 5 to 36. Generate