Our users create and use custom lottery generators for all the lotteries of the world. They fine tune these lottery generators with lucky numbers, zodiac, and lucky charms. They also set the odd and even numbers in a selection. Please feel free to use these custom generators and try your luck. You can even create your own custom generator and share it with the world.
venezuela Lucky Lottery Numbers by Users
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David-Bingo-Lottery by David
5 numbers from 5 to 75. Avoids the numbers 4, 13, 34, 63, 69. Uses lucky charm corgi. Generate
McGiver by Plus
3 numbers from 3 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 0,9. Generate
Pick 4 new york for sagittarius by Juanto
4 numbers from 4 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Uses lucky charm Black red. Fine tuned for sagittarius. Generate
Tren de Turen by Ziritt
3 numbers from 3 to 999. Generate
Fechas by VIC
2 numbers from 2 to 31. Generate
Tren de Turn by Jos
3 numbers from 3 to 999. Generate
My Lottery for capricorn by Avery
5 numbers from 5 to 64. Always includes lucky numbers 6, 14, 32, 36, 52. Avoids the numbers 8. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
chance by cesar
3 numbers from 3 to 1000. Always includes lucky numbers 926. Avoids the numbers 79. Uses lucky charm 123. Generate
genera ingresos en linea by julio hernandez
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 15. Uses lucky charm hacer dinero en linea. Generate
lotto pupu by alex
36 numbers from 36 to 50. Generate
Pick 4 by Shalom Lakshmi
4 numbers from 4 to 6. Generate
Skylom for virgo by Juan
4 numbers from 4 to 9. Always includes lucky numbers 1. Uses lucky charm blue. Fine tuned for virgo. Generate
Roando by Roman
58 numbers from 58 to 500. Always includes lucky numbers 04243310068. Uses lucky charm Yes. Generate