Our users create and use custom lottery generators for all the lotteries of the world. They fine tune these lottery generators with lucky numbers, zodiac, and lucky charms. They also set the odd and even numbers in a selection. Please feel free to use these custom generators and try your luck. You can even create your own custom generator and share it with the world.
spain Lucky Lottery Numbers by Users
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la primitiva by akshay
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Generate
Daily Million by Filippov
39 numbers from 39 to 39. Generate
Lotto Espaa by Juan
6 numbers from 6 to 1000. Always includes lucky numbers 371. Avoids the numbers 1,1000. Uses lucky charm Doomsday Blues. Generate
Euromillones for taurus by Zelle
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 8,16,17. Avoids the numbers 13,6. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
Lucky winner for taurus by Liezel
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 8,16,17. Avoids the numbers 13. Uses lucky charm Green. Fine tuned for taurus. Generate
Bonoloto by Otelos
7 numbers from 7 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 11,15,48. Generate
Eurodream by Dele
6 numbers from 6 to 40. Generate
Naeem by Akram
5 numbers from 5 to 49. Uses lucky charm Blue . Generate
Loteria Primitiva by pepeillo
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
Gta SAMP WTLS2 by Rosa69
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 12 56 34 12 89. Avoids the numbers 69. Uses lucky charm Red. Generate
Okwunwa for gemini by Emeka
3 numbers from 3 to 99. Always includes lucky numbers 03. Avoids the numbers 06. Uses lucky charm 07. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
La Lotera del Siglo by L
7 numbers from 7 to 25. Always includes lucky numbers 5,7. Avoids the numbers .. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
La lotera de la dcada by Enzo
7 numbers from 7 to 20. Always includes lucky numbers 5,7,10. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
PowerDice for scorpio by Lucas
6 numbers from 6 to 99. Uses lucky charm red. Fine tuned for scorpio. Generate
Lotteria de nio by Ayaz sabir
5 numbers from 5 to 20. Always includes lucky numbers 8.9. Avoids the numbers 2.4. Uses lucky charm Toutube movies. Generate
Euro millions by Zeeshan Khadim
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm Yelow. Generate
Euro millions by Zeeshan Khadim
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm Yelow. Generate
Bonoloto by Zeeshan Khadim
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Uses lucky charm Pink. Generate
Bonoloto for capricorn by Zeeshan Khadim
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
Mothusi John Van Bond by Mothusi John Van Bond
3 numbers from 3 to 50. Generate
Bonoloto by Ilyas
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
Bonoloto by Ilyas
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
Bayon for aries by Isma
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 46,45,39,37,18,30,32,27,28,21,23,19,20,14,15,16,17,4,5,9,10,11,12,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,20,23,39,50,44,26,19,37,29,38,. Fine tuned for aries. Generate
alegria for capricorn by airpod
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Avoids the numbers 2,6,16,19,25,30,44,1,05,17,28,31,10,3,29,32,38. Uses lucky charm weed. Fine tuned for capricorn. Generate
Bonoloto by Nour
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
ADN maision for aquarius by Natalie
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 19295. Avoids the numbers 59291. Uses lucky charm 56. Fine tuned for aquarius. Generate
Euromillones by Ana
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm Green. Generate
primitiva by nina
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
Euromillion by Francisca loveline
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Euromillons by Levi Livingstone
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers Levi. Generate
once by richie prince
5 numbers from 5 to 100. Generate
once for gemini by richie prince
5 numbers from 5 to 100. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
Sport ToTo 6/49 by ToTo
6 numbers from 6 to 50. Uses lucky charm TOTO. Generate
Lottery by NETTOT
8 numbers from 8 to -50. Generate
7 lucky numbers for 1 wee by Todio
7 numbers from 7 to 50. Uses lucky charm Orange. Generate
7 lucky numbers for 1 wee by Todio
7 numbers from 7 to 50. Uses lucky charm Orange. Generate
Euro million for pisces by Yashveer Negi
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 11. Avoids the numbers 6. Uses lucky charm Black . Fine tuned for pisces. Generate
kino for gemini by mik
12 numbers from 12 to 80. Uses lucky charm yellow. Fine tuned for gemini. Generate
B by Yt
3 numbers from 3 to 10. Generate
Primitv by Lucky
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Generate
euro million by rajesh kumar
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
euro million by rajesh kumar
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Generate
Euromillions by Susan
5 numbers from 5 to 59. Always includes lucky numbers 2. Generate
Meme by Helen
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 1. Avoids the numbers 2. Uses lucky charm 157. Generate
deslot for sagittarius by Desmond Salaman
7 numbers from 7 to 50. Always includes lucky numbers 26 11 28. Avoids the numbers 13 9 16. Uses lucky charm red. Fine tuned for sagittarius. Generate
Lot Mill by Ciocu
5 numbers from 5 to 50. Uses lucky charm papa. Generate
nat for libra by per
5 numbers from 5 to 9. Fine tuned for libra. Generate
Bonoloto by Codrin
6 numbers from 6 to 49. Always includes lucky numbers 1,12,11. Uses lucky charm Red. Generate