About 96 (exactly 96)
Odds of matching 1 of 1 numbers:
1 in 96
This is an advanced random lottery numbers generator. You can also mix and match using your own numbers with the auto-generated random numbers. You can generate your lottery numbers by adding a lucky charm in the lottery number picker. Use your name, birthday or any other lucky charm. Generating Lottery Numbers made easy for you. For 649: Click on 649, enter your choice of numbers (if any) in the boxes and hit Generate My Lotto Numbers. For Super 7: Click on SUPER 7, enter your choice of numbers (if any) in the boxes and hit Generate My Lotto Numbers. For Pick 3: Click on PICK 3, enter your choice of numbers (if any) in the boxes and hit Generate My Lotto Numbers.
It's also a lotto number generator. You can use it for any lotto.
You can also use CUSTOM to generate numbers for any lottery. For Custom: Click on Custom. A pop-up box will appear. Enter total numbers in the lottery. Enter the lowest and the highest range and click OK. Numbers will be generated for your selection. You can also mix and match your own numbers with Custom numbers.
It's totally free and is a great winning lottery number generator tool. You can call it the lucky lottery numbers generator.